Dr. Shawn & his wife Irma

Christian Counselor & Life Coach
About Dr. Shawn
Dr. Shawn has a warm and accepting style. He is motivated by his love of helping people emotionally, spiritually, personally, and professionally. He approaches all situations with empathy and respect, this works well with couples and individuals. He completely understands the struggles and situations of life as his life has not always been what it is today. He has a PhD in Clinical Christian Counseling and a BA in Ministry from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary, he graduated from the Tony Robbins – Chloe Madanes Life Coaching School, and he is a SYMBIS Certified Pre-Marriage Facilitator. He is also credentialed in Anger Management and Temperament Counseling. He is the author of the books Advance & Triumph and Sound Mind – Sound Life. Dr. Shawn is not a state licensed therapist, he is certified in Clinical Christian Counseling through the National Association of Christian Counselors, a Certified Temperament Counselor through the National Christian Counselors Association, and an Ordained Minister through his Alma mater Christian Bible Institute & Seminary. He is also a proud Veteran of the United States Army. He lives in the Kennewick Washington area and has been married to his lovely wife Irma for over 28 years.

A message from Dr. Shawn
Thank you for visiting my website today. I hope to speak with you soon. I know there are a lot of protocols for what I am supposed to write in my about page, but I just want to take a minute and speak to you from my heart instead. Choosing a training program, counselor, or coach is an important decision. I prefer that you know who I really am instead of reading a marketing script.
My purpose is to help couples and individuals with lasting change. To overcome, to get from where they are now, to where they want to be in life. I fulfill my purpose through training/certifying Pastors & Christian Leaders to counsel and coach God’s people. I also counsel, coach, preach, teach, and write books. I hope one or more of those areas will help you move forward to the life you desire. Christians should not be afraid of or avoid the term “psychology”. So much of what I learned in my psychology/counseling courses first appeared in the Bible. I believe that to study the human mind, you should start with the creator of the human mind, God. I believe that the science of psychology and the truth of scripture match as God created them both. I use both scripture and psychology in my counseling and coaching sessions.
My life has not always been what it is now. My parents divorced when I was 4 years old, I was bounced back and forth between them throughout my childhood. I was a constant reminder of past mistakes to both of my parents as they tried to move on with their lives. I struggled in many areas as a teen and young man. At 21 years of age, while serving in the United States Army, I spent 5 weeks in an inpatient treatment center for alcohol and drug abuse. I understand the emotional, spiritual, and daily struggles that life brings as I have been through much myself.
My road to recovery is what led me to my counseling and leadership path. As a child product of divorce, helping couples not only save their marriage but see their marriage and family flourish is a process I hold close to my heart. As a young man who struggled with depression, anxiety, self-esteem, anger, and lack of direction/purpose my passion is helping people successfully navigate these areas and go on to a successful life without limits.
Whether you call me your counselor, coach, minister, or pastoral counselor is not important to me. Getting “you” or “you and your spouse” from where you are now to where you want to be in life is my priority, not what you call our sessions. I use all of my education and experience to help everyone in every session, the title of the session is not important. The “Clinical” in my Ph.D. means I was trained in psychology along with ministry and the Bible. I provide Christian Counseling/Life Coaching that will help you grow spiritually, emotionally, personally, and professionally.
I was also a Director of Operations in Corporate America, so I understand the difficulty of balancing the daily grind of Corporate America with emotional, spiritual, and family needs. I believe I possess the right balance of education, experience, and leadership for us to successfully work together and get you to where you want to be in life. Together we will identify your current situation and decide what needs to change, provide clarity, create a vision of where you want to be, set goals, and build a compelling future as you press forward to be the person God created you to be. Always remember that God loves you, and so do I.
Christian Counselor & Life Coach